The addressees of this Code of Conduct are instructors, technicians, managers, employees in any capacity, level and qualification, workers and volunteers.

The above-mentioned people are responsible for the growth of young learners and members as well as for the creation of a positive, safe and stimulating environment for sports practice. To this end, they are called upon to set a good example and be a role model for the pupils affiliated to Giokart ASD.

All the above-mentioned individuals, who have direct contact with underage pupils and members, are obliged to comply with the Code of Conduct, which they accept in full after having read it. Any alleged breach of the Code of Conduct must be reported to the Safeguarding Manager appointed by Giokart ASD and verified in accordance with the provisions of the Organisational and Sports Activity Control Model. The measures and sanctions put in place may range from a verbal warning to termination of cooperation.

Giokart ASD is committed to ensuring a safe, respectful and inclusive environment for all members, including minors and vulnerable adults. The following code of conduct sets out the expectations and responsibilities for all those involved in Giokart ASD’s activities.

  1. No one excluded:
    • We respect the dignity and integrity of all people involved in the activities of the sports ASD/SSD, without discrimination of any kind.
    • We treat everyone with courtesy, kindness and respect, avoiding offensive language, intimidating or abusive behaviour.
    • We create activities to promote inclusion through sport.
  1. Awareness, Safety and Well-being:
    • We ensure that all individuals working in Giokart ASD are clear about the concepts of abuse, harassment, gender-based violence or discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity, religion, belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
    • We put the safety and well-being of all members, especially minors, first by taking appropriate measures to prevent abuse, harassment or any form of harm.
    • We respect the rights and opinions of others, providing an environment where one feels free to express concerns or report inappropriate behaviour.
  1. Non-verbal behaviour:
    • We ask all sports workers and volunteers of Giokart ASD to behave professionally and appropriately and, in all interactions with members, to avoid any form of inappropriate physical contact.
    • We ensure that all inappropriate behavior is promptly stopped and that we immediately lean toward transparent and respectful behavior.
  1. Information, Communications, and Privacy:
    • We inform all members about the contact details of the Safeguarding Officer appointed by Giokart ASD, as well as about the email address of the Safeguarding Office established at the national level by ASI National.
    • We communicate in a clear, open and respectful manner with participants, parents, colleagues and in general with all Giokart ASD members by providing, also, a copy of the code of conduct, as well as reporting form.
    • We respect the privacy of the members involved and ensure the confidentiality of any personal or sensitive information acquired.
  1. Training:
    • We participate in safeguarding training and awareness programs to acquire skills and knowledge needed to prevent and respond to abuse.
    • We recognize our role and responsibility to protect members and report any concerns or suspicions of abuse to the Safeguarding Officer appointed by Giokart ASD.

All individuals to whom this Code of Conduct is addressed undertake to:

  • respect and protect the rights, dignity and value of all members involved, regardless of their age, race, colour, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, disability, language, religion, political opinion, social status, sexual orientation or any other reason. The technical instructor, whether worker or volunteer, is expected to behave in a civilised and anti-discriminatory manner so as not to ignore, facilitate or even tacitly collaborate in activities that imply unfair discrimination against members;
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  • adhere to the rules at all stages of the activities;
  • encourage and promote fair play, discipline, correctness, and the spirit of cooperation;
  • not to engage in or tolerate offensive behaviour or language towards athletes, parents, competition directors, staff members or any other person involved in the activities; not to tolerate or participate in behaviour by minors that is illegal or abusive or which endangers their physical and/or mental safety;
  • always support and applaud the efforts of young athletes and value them regardless of the results on the field, promoting a culture of work and fun;
  • transmit serenity, enthusiasm and passion;
  • educating towards respect, commitment and cooperation;
  • constantly update oneself on the knowledge needed to best fulfil the assigned tasks and on the subject of child protection;
  • adhere to the Organisational and Control Model for sporting activities, consider the well-being, safety and enjoyment of all members above all else;
  • combat and prevent any form of bullying among minors;
  • listening to the needs, requests, concerns of all members;
  • not humiliate or belittle the members or their efforts during a competition or practice session;
  • not act in such a way as to shame, humiliate, belittle or despise a child, or perpetrate any other form of emotional abuse;
  • not exploit a child for personal or financial gain;
  • not having attitudes towards minors that – also from a psychological point of view – may negatively affect their harmonious and socio-relational development;
  • not engaging in sexual activity or engaging in sexual intercourse with members under the age of 18 and not making sexually allusive comments while displaying respectful and discreet behaviour at all times;
  • not having relationships with minors that could in any way be considered exploitative, mistreatment or abuse;
  • not allow sexually provocative or inappropriate games, phrases or attitudes;
  • ensure that all activities are suited to the capacities, age, physical and emotional maturity, experience and ability of the members, particularly underage students;
  • work together with the other staff members to protect and promote the interests and welfare of each member;
  • never engage in physical abuse and never inflict punishment or chastisement that can be traced back to physical abuse;
  • establish fruitful relations with the parents of underage members in order to team up for their growth and protection;
  • always ensure that minors are adequately supervised and that competitions and off-site activities are safe;
  • ensure that the health, safety and welfare of the members is a primary objective over technical and sporting success or any other consideration;
  • organise work, the workplace and away activities in such a way as to minimise risks;
  • respect the privacy of minors, especially in particularly sensitive places that must be guarded;
  • avoid doing activities of personal nature for minors that they can do themselves;
  • ensure that any health care treatment (e.g. medical examination, post-injury care, physiotherapy treatment), takes place in an open and supervised environment, rather than indoors or in private and always with the presence of a third party (another member, adult);
  • avoid spending time alone with children away from others;
  • not allow minors to remain without adequate supervision during the course of the activities and, at the end of the activities, ensure that they leave the sports facility accompanied by their parents or an authorised person, if minors have not been authorised in advance to leave the facility independently and without the presence of an adult. Each authorisation must be duly signed by the person exercising parental responsibility over the minor;
  • do not use social media inappropriately, do not involve minors in private conversations on social media, and never post comments or share images that could compromise their well-being or cause them harm;
  • do not acquire, hold and publish photographs or disclose other information about children and young people or their families on any printed or digital medium (e.g. personal or club/organisation social media, websites, personal online communication tools, etc.) without the relevant release form signed by the parents or guardians in order to be able to store and/or use such material;
  • report any concerns about the safety and well-being of members by contacting the person in charge against abuse, violence and discrimination appointed by Giokart ASD, in accordance with the provisions of the Organisational and Sports Activity Control Model;
  • consult the Anti-Abuse, Violence and Discrimination Officer appointed by Giokart ASD in the event of doubts regarding the participation of members in accordance with the provisions of the Organisational and Control Model of the sporting activity and in the event of need to promote the sporting inclusion of athletes with physical or intellectual-relational disabilities

All instructors and board members of Giokart have been informed of and adhere to this code of conduct and are committed to promoting a safe, respectful and inclusive environment within Giokart ASD.

Latina, 30 august 2024

Organisational and control model for sporting activities >>

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